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'Invisible volunteering': The online army of millennials quietly contributing in regional communities

A teenager uses a laptop computer sitting on a couch.

Millennials are often "invisible" volunteers, helping with updating websites and social media. (Unsplash: Steinar Engeland)

As volunteering faces a decline across Australia, the contribution of millennials may sometimes be overlooked, as a quiet online revolution happens among young people in regional communities.

Researchers from Curtin University in Western Australia have found that young people often participate in ad-hoc or "invisible" volunteering — meaning the community can not necessarily see them as they fly under the radar.

"I think that millennials and young people do get a bit of a bad reputation when people talk about volunteering," Professor Kirstin Holmes said.

"Young people volunteer at the same rate as older people; they just don't want to do the same activities."

Associate Professor Amanda Davies said "invisible" volunteering referred mostly to online work.

"They might be volunteering to update Wikipedia pages online for interest groups," she said.

"Now that's not going to be seen when you're not turning up to the SES meeting.

"There are lots of different types of volunteering that are very much invisible — you can't see it — and that has created this perception that young people simply won't get engaged."

Behind-the-scenes work

Kiara Hoffmann is employed full time as a Program Administrator at Flinders University and is active in both sport and the arts in her local community in South Australia's Riverland region.

But the 25 year old volunteers extensively for her local netball and football clubs and amateur theatre group, the Riverland Musical Society.

While directing the local play is fairly visible volunteer work, Ms Hoffmann said she could spend more than 30 hours at home preparing programs for the theatre group.

Young woman in front of two computer screens smiling

25-year-old volunteer, Kiara Hoffman working online for the Riverland Musical Society. (Supplied: Kiara Hoffmann)

The millennial has also created a new social media presence for the group, which she said she monitors daily.

"I think it is definitely underestimated the amount of effort and time that it takes to get those types of things done. It's a lot of behind the scenes work,"
she said.

Ms Hoffman said she understood why some people have the misconception that millennials were not pitching in.

"The younger generation I guess because they are the people that've grown up with these different media sources … their work is not necessarily going to a monthly meeting or volunteering to go and work the sausage sizzle," she said.

"They [young people] don't necessarily get the same type of credit as showing up does."

Traditional volunteer roles still needed to be filled

The study conducted by Holmes, Davies and Leonie Lockstone-Binney published in the Journal of Rural Studies, found that younger people are not opposed to giving up their time to help their communities, a lack of involvement in traditional volunteer roles could see regional and rural areas lose critical services.

In particular emergency services including the Rural and Country Fire Services and State Emergency Services (SES).

Volunteering SA & NT chief executive officer Evelyn O'Loughlin said outer city areas have (percentage-wise) more people volunteering than their city counterparts.

Trouble for ageing populations

While the rate of volunteering is much higher in regional and rural areas, the population is ageing as millennials leave remote communities for study, work or a lifestyle change.

And this is where, Associate Professor Davies has forecast a "significant problem" for ageing populations in regional and rural areas.

Room of people at meeting in Renmark, mostly elderly people

Millennials are generally under-represented in rural demographics so there are not always many in those communities to volunteer, Professor Holmes said. (ABC Riverland: Nadia Isa)

She said essential services like the ambulance, fire and SES organisations were driven by volunteers — without whom, these lifesaving services would crumble.

"We haven't faced this level of population ageing before," Dr Davies said.

"Essentially we are on the cusp of those resources not being able to be met … [for] ambulance, fire, SES."

"It's a major threat to the sustainability of our rural communities."

And with less young people in the community, combined with millennials often leaning towards less-traditional forms of volunteering, a small group of people are often left to pick up the slack.

"What will happen is that more and more of the burden will fall on a smaller group, and that increases their risk of burn-out, which can have negative implications for their health," Professor Holmes said.

Changes to volunteer recruitment

The researchers said organisations need to change the way they recruit to attract younger members.

"I think they [volunteer organisations] need to have a better understanding of what the people they want to recruit are looking for in a volunteer role," Professor Holmes said.

Ms Hoffmann said young people might be interested in volunteering for these more traditional organisations if they knew what experiences were on offer.

"They [SES] actually do some really cool stuff … but they don't advertise that they do," Ms Hoffman said.

"It just needs to be more approachable for the younger person to say 'this is something I actually want to do'."

She said it is vital that volunteer-led group take steps in order to increase the number of new — particularly young — members signing up.

"We have so many not-for-profit different areas in the region that we need to keep volunteering to make sure that everything keeps running smoothly and we get to have the benefits that we still do," Ms Hoffman said.