• Education & Training
  • Gympie, QLD
  • www.skillcentred.com.au
  • 0 opportunities
  • 214 Mary Street Gympie QLD 4570 Australia

SkillCentred is a not-for-profit organisation that has been providing support and training services to the disadvantaged, young people and the unemployed for over 30 years. As a Registered Training Organisation, we currently undertake programs (including Skilling Queenslanders for Work) in the Cooloola, Fraser Coast, Sunshine Coast & Moreton Bay regions as well as Cherbourg (in the South Burnett). We also are operate a number of community hubs that provide support for other not-for-profit organisation and delivery the Community Visitors Scheme (now Aged Cared Volunteers Visitors Scheme) in Gympie & Maryborough.