The National Strategy for Volunteering has been launched after an intensive 12-month co-design process with the volunteering ecosystem.

The National Strategy for Volunteering identifies what needs to be prioritised to ensure volunteering is safe, supported, and sustainable in the future. These priorities are captured under the three focus areas of the new National Strategy:

  • First, collective efforts must be directed towards enhancing the volunteer experience, including improving accessibility and inclusion.

  • Second, a more comprehensive understanding of the value of volunteering to Australian communities and society is needed, which enables volunteering to be better recognised and supported.

  • Third, the right policy conditions, infrastructure, and support need to be in place to maximise the impact of volunteering.

Find out more on the National Strategy for Volunteering website:

See the full press release from Volunteering Australia here.

Presenting the New National Strategy for Volunteering – Volunteering Australia

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