About this opportunity

Householders’ Options to Protect the Environment (HOPE) Inc. requires more active volunteers – both local and remote (i.e. online) – to help us maintain our high levels of activity. Volunteers are needed to help with projects, events and display activities, as well as general admin duties and media/publications work. We invite members and supporters to step up and volunteer some time and talents to help share the workload. Current vacancies include Researchers, Media Officers and Publications Team members.

A fair portion of the above work would ideally be done by locals (i.e. in the Toowoomba area) because the HOPE office is in Toowoomba. However, quite a bit of the literature review, research, media and publications activity can be done via email.

Researchers are required to review and comment on a range of discussion papers, policy documents and reports provided by government departments, business and industry organisations and NGOs.

If you have ever heard the slogan "Think Globally, Act Locally" and thought "the world should definitely do more of that", HOPE is the right volunteer organisation for you.

Express interest

Householders' Options to Protect the Environment

  • Environment & Conservation
  • Regular - more than 6 months
  • Toowoomba QLD

Time Required




Suitable for

  • Skilled Volunteers

Interested In

  • Research, Policy & Analysis

Toowoomba 4350