Hear from Volunteering Queensland President, Mr Brett Johnson about important updates to our constitution occurring in 2023. Mr Johnson explains the changes, timelines and other important events happening in our 40th anniversary year 2023.

Download the slides from the information session here.

This year marks a critical milestone in the history of Volunteering Queensland as we celebrate 40 years of being the state’s peak body for volunteering. Over the coming months, we look forward to reflecting on our proud history and celebrating the many stories and incredible moments that have shaped the sector since 1983.

While this year will be an important opportunity to look back over four decades of service, it is also an important time to look consider the future of Volunteering Queensland as we continue to respond to the ever-changing needs of our members and the broader volunteering sector and landscape.

Last year at our Annual General Meeting we informed members of our intentions to transition from an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee, enabling Volunteering Queensland to operate more efficiently as well as deliver on the goals outlined in Volunteering Queensland’s 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan.

Volunteering Queensland is happy to announce that all resolutions to progress the changes were accepted unanimously at the recent 2023 Special General Meeting (SGM) by our members. Volunteering Queensland will be converting from an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee, and will now progress to the next stage in the process which involves registration with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Timeline going forward

  • Logde application for approval to transfer with the Office of Fair Trading
  • Lodge an application with ASIC
  • Notify the Queensland Regulator of ASIC approval
  • Notify ACNC and relevant others

What it means for members

Volunteering Queensland intends a seamless transition for its members. There will be no additional cost or administrative outlay. Additionally, any legal obligation will be limited to a $10 guarantee in the case where the new company is dissolved.

Individual membership will no longer be offered as a membership category. Existing members will be recategorized as Foundation Members under the new structure with no voting rights.

If you would like to know more about not-for-profit law please visit the Justice Connect website here.

If you would like to know more about this change and the difference between an Incorporated Association and a Company limited by Guarantee you can find a fact sheet by Justice Connect here.

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