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Accessibility, Affordability and Ability (AAA) Digital Inclusion project is reaching its final stages and concluding the workshops for volunteers and participants along the four participating localities.

Here is a preliminary snapshot of the outcomes :

  • More than 1000 accessories and 700 devices (tablets, mobiles, and laptops) with an initial package of data have been provided to participants.
  • 71 workshops have been done in Ipswich, Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Townsville and more than 1000 people have been trained. They have learned things like accessing the internet, making video calls, using social media, ordering groceries online, using MyGov online services, what is data, why is needed, and the cost of it, as well as where to start looking for a data plan.
  • 54 volunteers received training as Digital Inclusion Mentors and 28 supported the workshops delivered by Queenslanders with Disability Network’s Digital Champions, in 5 Neighbourhood Centers. 
  • Gailes Community House opened a new service for the community: Teck Talks. Digital Inclusion Mentors join every Wednesday for one hour to provide support for community members that need help to get the most of their phones and laptops.

Volunteering Queensland has seen a lot of interest from the community in supporting projects that empower others and support their independence but also understands there is a range of factors that contribute to a volunteer’s ability to commit to these programs. Volunteering Queensland will continue to explore ways to enable volunteers to participate