Advocacy Plan Consultations

Volunteering Queensland’s Advocacy Plan explores the key findings identified in the State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 Report. It identifies actions that can be explored and implemented in collaboration with the Queensland volunteering sector to better place volunteering in this State and ensure a robust future that supports the multifaceted, critical work that volunteers undertake. The plan also identifies actions that will continue to provide diverse, rewarding opportunities for Queenslanders that will enable them to meaningfully contribute back to their community through volunteering.

A key initial activity will be to engage and consult with the broader volunteering sector to determine and gain feedback on agreed actions. Through consultation, collaboration and codesign Volunteering Queensland will continue to refine and add to the plan based on sector feedback, emerging issues and changing needs.

Consultation workshops will be undertaken over the course of June and July 2024 and will include:

  • Face-to-face consultations at various locations throughout the State
  • Online consultations at various times to ensure everyone can have their voice heard
  • Questions in Volunteering Queensland’s annual sector survey to gain written feedback

Submit your feedback on the plan or register your interest in being involved in our consultations with the sector. We will be in touch to invite you to participate when details are finalised.

Have your say
We will be in touch via email to invite you to participate in in-person and online conversations around the State of Volunteering and Volunteering Queensland’s actions to advocate for the sector in 2024 and beyond.
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