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What is the Care Army?

The Care Army is made up of everyday Queenslanders who want to help older and vulnerable people living in the community who may not have a wide circle of friends, family or neighbours who are able to support them during times of crisis. The primary focus of the Care Army is social connection and essential services such as the delivery of groceries and medicines for Queensland’s seniors.

Care Army was born during the pandemic but has continued to support vulnerable people even after the most visible effects of the pandemic have subsided.

Volunteering Queensland works with the Queensland Government to administer the Care Army program, facilitating the recruitment and placement of volunteers.

How Care Army assists community organisations

Kate Jones and Annastacia Palaszczuk at the launch of the “Care Army”. C/-Brisbane Times

Queensland’s community organisations are eligible to engage Care Amy volunteers to deliver essential services to elderly and vulnerable people who are impacted by COVID-19.

Care Army volunteers assist the operations of an organisation with increased needs, leaving long-term volunteers to focus on the delivery of ongoing essential services.