Would you like to share your experience with volunteering and/or within the volunteering sector?

Your story will inspire many to join the incredible community of Queensland volunteers.

The information you provide will allow us to share your details with media outlets including TV, radio and press outlets. We will also use your story to create case studies, social media posts, and other types of promotional materials to inspire others to volunteer. 

Below is a short series of questions that will assist us in identifying the most suitable opportunities for you.

1. About you

2. Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander origin?

3. I am a:

4. Please indicate which category your volunteering experience falls into.

5. Please write a short description of your volunteering experience.

For example; what was the role, how long have you worked/ volunteered, what you found rewarding/ got out of the experience.

Please note that this information will assist us to best match you with opportunities to share you story. We will contact you for more information whenever we have something suitable.’

6. Please select the media outlets you consent to being contacted about

Please note that most of these will include being filmed or photographed, or porividing an image if requested.

7. Media Consent

I hereby give permission to Volunteering Queensland to share with media outlets indicated in Question 5, and also to copy, use, re-use, publish and re-publish, my name, any still and video images, and/or audio, as well as any relevant personal information:

  • gathered as part of Volunteering Queensland activities,
  • provided by me,
  • in all forms of media for once-only and/or ongoing promotion, publicity, information, advertising, trade, and any other lawful purposes.

I understand that I also relinquish any right that I may have to examine or approve the completed product or products where my likeness may be included intact or in part; and, that I acknowledge that the use of my image and my participation in any promotional for Volunteering Queensland is undertaken without any financial recompense in the form of the royalties or similar payments.

8. Are you over 18. years of age?

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