The Parliamentary Inquiry into Volunteering and accompanying Terms of Reference was officially moved by the government and agreed to by the Parliament on Wednesday 11 December 2024. The Inquiry is due to report by 18 September 2025.
This Inquiry will increase awareness and understanding of volunteering and its central importance to all Queensland communities and will aim to produce recommendations to drive up participation rates and improve opportunities for the volunteering workforce.
It also provides an important opportunity for everyone to have their say about what an effective volunteering ecosystem could look like and to identify the opportunities that our current volunteering challenges represent.
This Inquiry was listed as a priority action for the new state government. The Minister for Volunteers has described the Inquiry as:
“an important first step in providing more support for Queenslanders who want to volunteer”
“removing barriers and creating pathways to volunteering”
Please send your submission direct to the Committee via this link.
A Parliamentary Inquiry is when Parliament decides to send an issue to a Committee of MPs to examine an issue in depth. It receives submissions from the community, holds public hearings, and provides a report with recommendations back to the Parliament. The government then has up to six months to provide its response to the recommendations.
Apart from being a good opportunity to inform our elected representatives, it is also a great way for those with an interest in the topic to hear other people’s views and ideas. Submissions and transcripts of public hearings are put online (with occasional exceptions), so everyone can examine them.
Approximately two-thirds of Queenslanders over 15 years old are volunteers, that’s 2.8 million people out of 4.3 million. Volunteering happens in every part of the state and underpins every sector of society. If we can improve the number and effectiveness of volunteers, it will massively improve our communities in a multitude of ways. But if numbers continue to decline, retention rates fall and under-investment in volunteering continues, the harm to our social fabric will be incalculable – particularly for people and communities in need.
Volunteers are a bedrock which keeps our communities functioning – the golden thread which weaves through our social fabric, adding colour to the rich tapestry of our communities and holding it all together. It matters to all of us. It rarely gets adequate attention because is the invisible glue hiding in plain sight.
If you have volunteers involved in your organisation or need more of them, if you work with groups who do, or if you are a volunteer yourself, this Inquiry especially matters to you.
The Committee has been asked to inquire into and report to the Legislative Assembly by 18 September 2025 on:
The committee invites submissions addressing any aspect of the inquiry from all interested parties.
Guidelines for making a submission to a parliamentary committee are available here. Please ensure your submission meets these requirements.
The closing date for written submissions is 5pm, Friday 28 February 2025.
Send your submission direct to the Committee via this link.
Through this link, you can write your submission or upload a file containing your written submission.
Submissions must include:
Please ensure your submission includes the above or it may not be considered by the committee.
The committee intends to hold a series of public hearings commencing March 2025. Details will be posted on the committee’s web page once they are confirmed.
What things do you think are stopping you or others from volunteering more (or from volunteering at all)
The window for written submissions to the Committee has now closed. Over 500 public submissions are now available to read on the Committee’s website here.
More submissions will be published soon following approval by the Committee.
19 FEBRUARY 2025: The Committee had a public briefing from the Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers. View the briefing paper and transcript here.
Public hearings are when the politicians hear from and ask questions of people and organisations in various communities who have provided submissions to the inquiry. They will be held at a range of locations around the state. The following hearings have been confirmed.
Monday 24 March 2025,10:30am-12:15pm: Dalby Leagues Club, Orpen Street, Dalby
Monday 24 March 2025, 2:45-4:15pm: Burke & Wills, 554 Ruthven Streeth, Toowoomba
Tuesday 25 March 2025, 12:15-2:15pm: Gympie Community Place, 18 Excelsior Road, Gympie
Wednesday 26 March 2025, 9:30-11:30am: 9 Florey Boulevard, Birtinya, Sunshine Coast
Wednesday 2 April 2025: Brisbane (details TBC)
Links to transcripts of the public hearings will also be published on the Committee’s Inquiry webpage and here when they are available.
Further public hearings are likely to be held in April. Details will be published on the Committee’s Inquiry webpage as they are confirmed.
18 SEPTEMBER 2025: Parliamentary Committee to report to government.
This Parliamentary Committee webpage contains important information about the Inquiry and will host materials relevant to the Inquiry, such as submissions and other publications, or public hearing dates. It will also provide advice about any important deadlines or requirements they have. If you are interested in writing a submission, please review any information from the Committee.
Volunteering Queensland will be providing regular updates about the Inquiry, as well as tips and advice on how to write a submission to the Inquiry.
We’re happy to see a copy of your submission once you have sent it to the Committee via the button below.
Please also feel free to send information or research, or share any ideas or suggested recommendations you have to our advocacy advisor
Ann Leahy, who at the time was Shadow Minister for Volunteers, promised in May 2024 that if elected, the LNP would establish an inquiry looking at opportunities and barriers to volunteering. The LNP decided this would be on their list of early priorities if they won government, which is why this Inquiry has been initiated so soon after the election. The government moved a motion in Parliament to establish the Inquiry, which was supported by all parties & MPs.
The Inquiry is being conducted by the Local Government, Small Business and Customer Service Committee, which is responsible (among other things) for volunteering matters. The MPs conducting the Inquiry are listed on the Committee’s webpage. There are 3 LNP members & 3 ALP members.
The Committee is Chaired by Mr James Lister MP from Southern Downs, and the Deputy Chair is Mrs Margie Nightingale from Inala. 3 of the Committee’s members are based in regional & rural electorates, and 3 are from electorates in the SEQ metropolitan area.
While only the six MPs on the Committee are formally conducting the Inquiry, you can always talk to any of your Council, state of federal elected representatives about volunteering issues in your area. You can also ask them to promote local volunteering and encourage local volunteer groups to participate in this Inquiry.
While this is common, it is not automatic. The Committee will present its final report, including any recommendations, to the Parliament. The government is required to respond to these recommendations within three months. They are not required to adopt all of the recommendations, although normally their response would include reasons explaining their decisions.
No this is not required, although many Committee reports are adopted unanimously by all members of the Committee. If they wish, any member of the Committee can add additional comments or recommendations, or include comments in the final report dissenting from the majority view on certain matters.
This is completely up to the government of the day, and the nature of the recommendations. A simple recommendation may able to be implemented immediately, a proposal requiring funding may need to go a whole-of-government process that is part of formulating each year’s Budget expenditure, a suggested program may need to be run as a trial or rolled out over a long period, or adopting an agreed principle or approach may be aimed at continuing permanent implementation.
Absolutely! If you are part of a sector which has a peak body, umbrella organisation or a head office, please make sure they know about the Inquiry, encourage them to contribute something on behalf of their wider sector or organisation, and – should you wish – let them know what you are planning to provide to the Inquiry. The more input the Inquiry receives, the better. It is up to you and to each organisation how much time you can spend on a submission to the Inquiry, but even sending in a single page of ideas or information based on your own activities or knowledge is helpful.
Part of our role is to make sure as many people as possible are aware of the Inquiry and to encourage them to participate. It is not our role to tell people what they should raise. You are welcome to draw on ideas or principles Volunteering Queensland has raised in our publications and advocacy, or to seek advice from us about how to present the ideas and information you want to share. But the Inquiry has been established to hear genuine ideas perspectives and experiences, from as many people and organisations as possible.
We can’t tell you what to submit – what you decide to submit has to be your own views – but we are happy to provide assistance or advice on the sorts of things you might want to include in it, and how to most effectively present the information and ideas you want to provide to the Inquiry.
We recommend you also have a look at this guide from the Queensland Parliament on making a submission.
Most submissions are lodged with the Committee online via the Inquiry website, or via email, but Committees can accept submissions in other formats. It is best to contact the Committee directly to discuss how best to do this. Their contact details are on their website.
There is heaps of research and other material about volunteering locally, nationally and internationally that you can access online. You can quote from any of these in your own submission if you wish, including of course anything from reports of organisations you may be involved with.
Some of our resources include:
We are also happy to receive suggestions for information you think we could include here
In short, if it’s legally required or you will suffer a loss if you don’t do it, it is not volunteering.