I hereby give permission to Volunteering Queensland, its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and successors the right and permission to record, use, publish, stream or otherwise distribute any photo, video or audio as well as any relevant personal information for publications and public relations. This grant of permission does not include the release of any personal information.

Materials may be:

  • gathered as part of a promotional shoot for Volunteering Queensland activities, or
  • provided by me, in all forms of media for once-only and/or ongoing promotion, publicity, information, advertising, trade, and any other lawful purposes, and
  • shared with relevant third parties involved in the gathering and production of materials for promotional purposes only.

I understand that I also relinquish any right that I may have to examine or approve the completed product or products where my likeness may be included intact or in part; and, that I acknowledge that the use of my image and my participation in any promotional for Volunteering Queensland is undertaken without any financial recompense in the form of the royalties or similar payments.

I have read and understand this notice, and consent to the collection, use and disclosure as outlined.

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