Every year, Volunteering Queensland conducts a survey of volunteer involving organisations across the state. We asked you a range of questions, including about the key issues that you are facing in your sector.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our 2022 survey. The results will help guide our advocacy and improve the support that we can offer you. We’d like to share some of the findings with you here.
We asked you to identify the challenges your organisation faces. Here’s what you said:
- Volunteer recruitment and retention remains the most common challenge by far, faced by over two-thirds of surveyed organisations.
- The sustainability of your volunteer program is a challenge for around half of the respondents.
- New technology being seen as a challenge has halved since 2020. With the onset of COVID-19, volunteer involving organisations had to quickly adopt new technology, such as QR code sign-ins and remote volunteering. Many of these technologies have become normal in workplaces and are no longer seen as a challenge.
Generally, organisations reported facing more simultaneous challenges in 2020 than in 2022. The challenges created by the onset of COVID-19 were broad and multi-faceted, affecting funding, volunteer recruitment, logistics, insurance and bureaucracy. While volunteer involving organisations still face key challenges in the sector – such as cost of living increases – there are signs that overall pressures have slightly reduced and that we are moving in the right direction.