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Volunteering Australia is hosting the 2023 National Volunteering Conference

The 2023 National Volunteering Conference is Australia’s leading event on the volunteering calendar. The conference provides a platform for not-for-profit leaders, volunteer management professionals, government and corporate representatives, academics and researchers, and volunteers to come together to address emerging issues of high priority.  

As the national conference, the event is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and open discussion on the future of volunteering and highlighting practical and innovative approaches to reimagine volunteering in Australia. The conference is a key vehicle for all stakeholders to voice their priorities, hopes and challenges for the future of volunteering. 

The Future is Now

The theme for the 2023 National Volunteering Conference is The Future is Now. This theme will challenge delegates to explore how our actions today will build a better future for volunteering.

As we come together to launch Australia’s first National Strategy for Volunteering in ten years, this theme reflects that we need to implement change today to ensure volunteering thrives for future generations.

2023 Program

Volunteering Australia is delighted to present the 2023 National Volunteering Conference Program.

The conference theme, The Future is Now, will challenge delegates to explore how our decisions and actions today will build a better future for volunteering. Each in-person conference ticket includes access to the full program consisting of two full days of interactive workshops, plenary sessions and opportunities to network.  

The program has been designed to include practical, strategic and research-focused sessions with multiple streams of breakout sessions to choose from. This premier event will showcase innovative approaches to volunteer engagement and we will hear from speakers with deep and diverse expertise from across the volunteering ecosystem.

Further information about speakers and how to select your preferred breakout sessions will be announced shortly.

Monday, 13 February 2023 

  • Registrations from 7.30am
  • Day One of the conference will kick off at 9.00am with a series of concurrent sessions  
  • A Welcome Lunch will be held at 12.00pm with the conference opening at 1.00pm with a Welcome to Country  
  • In the afternoon, the National Strategy for Volunteering will be launched followed by plenary and concurrent sessions 
  • A conference drinks reception will be held in the evening 

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

  • Day Two of the conference will involve a mix of plenary and concurrent sessions 
  • The conference will wrap up at 5.00pm on Tuesday 
