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Please read the following information before continuing

Please read all information in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines before completing this Application Form. These documents are available on the website.


Application Assistance

If you require additional support to complete this Application Form or have any further questions relating to the grant program or this application process, contact your State/Territory volunteering peak body at:
(07) 3002 7600



We treat your personal information according to the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.

In submitting a grant application under this opportunity, you agree to Volunteering Queensland collecting your personal information, including your name, contact details and role in your organisation, in order to assess your application and for the purpose of grant administration.

We may share the information you provide in your application, including personal information, with nominated personnel such as the selection panel, and with the Department of Social Services.  

Applicant Details

Organisation Details

Please provide the legal/registered name of the organisation on whose behalf you are applying, as it appears on the ABN/ACNC lookup
Please select your ABN status
What type of services does the organisation provide?
Please tick all that apply
Does the organisation provide volunteer programs that support:
Please tick all that apply

General Eligibility

Is the organisation a registered not-for-profit organisation with the ACNC?
Please indicate the annual income of the organisation
Unpaid board members should also be included. Volunteering is defined as time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain (Volunteering Australia 2015).

Child Safe Eligibility

If a proposed activity involves interaction with children, applicants must comply with the Australian Government’s Child Safety obligations. At a minimum applicants must, in delivering the proposed activity, be compliant with all relevant state, territory and Commonwealth law relating to employment or engagement of Child-Related Personnel. Please select the statement that best describes your organisation below. If you are successful in the application process, you will receive a Child Safe Statement of Compliance form by email, which you will need to complete before funds are released.
Child Safe Statement
Contact with people under 18 including: services directly supporting children, activities that involve contact with children that is a usual part of, and more than incidental to, the grant activity, or activities that involve possible contact with children that is irregular or unplanned.

Grant Proposal

What will the grant funding be used for? Please provide a short (up to 25 words) description
This should include how this project will align with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement and National Volunteer Strategy to promote inclusion of objective cohorts. More information:
Please enter the 4-digit postcode
0 of 4 max characters.
Please add your budget below, including the detailed budget item and the cost associated with this item, as per the example below (GST Exclusive). Example Item 1: Staff salaries; training; hospitality costs – Cost: $1000.00

Bank Account Details

Bank account name must align with the organisation name
Please enter the 6-digit BSB with no space or special character
0 of 6 max characters.
Please enter the account number with no space or special character


Do you or does the organisation have any conflict of interest that may occur related to or from submitting this Application?

By submitting this application form, you have read and understand the following:

  • I am an Authorised Signatory for the organisation on whose behalf I am applying 
  • I have obtained the full knowledge and agreement of the organisation on whose behalf I am applying  
  • The organisation on whose behalf I am applying will expend the funding provided on the items requested to benefit the volunteers of the organisation 
  • The information contained in this form is true and correct 
  • I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the Grant Applicant Guidelines 
  • If and where any personal details of a third party are included, that third party has been made aware of, and given their permission for those details to appear in this Application 
  • I give consent to Volunteering Queensland to make public the details of the Applicant and the funding received, should this Application be successful 
  • I acknowledge that giving false or misleading information to Volunteering Queensland/ Department of Social Services is a serious criminal offence. Persons who do so may be prosecuted under Section 137.1 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 
  • I understand that independent verification of the information I have provided in this application may occur 
  • I consent to Volunteering Queensland to contacting me in the future regarding this application 