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Survey now open

Volunteering Queensland is the state peak body for advancing and promoting volunteering. As part of our services, we provide information to volunteers, training to volunteer managers, and strategic advice to decision-makers in the volunteering sector.

Our regions are unique – and the volunteering sector has unique challenges, successes and opportunities. To guide our work, we are asking volunteer involving organisations in your area to share their thoughts. If you help coordinate volunteers, or have another leadership role in the volunteering sector, we want to hear from you. Please complete our survey below to have your say.

2022 Local Volunteering Survey

Volunteering Queensland is here to support the volunteer sector. To guide our work, we want to hear from you.

Your response will help inform how we support the sector, the services we provide, what we ask of government, the training we deliver and the resources we create. Information from surveys like this makes up a vital part of our knowledge base, complementing our research, consultations and sector events.

This survey will take about 10min, depending on the level of detail you’d like to provide. You will have an option to provide more information at the end of the survey.

The survey is best completed by someone who manages or coordinates volunteers, or someone from another leadership role within the organisation. Questions marked with an asterisk * require a response before proceeding.


Please contact Volunteering Queensland on 07 3002 7600 if you have any questions.


Thank you for your valuable input. Please click ‘Next Page’ to begin.

For these questions, please think about local factors that affect volunteering in your town, city or regional area. For example, ‘volunteer recruitment‘ is a wide-spread challenge, but ‘volunteer recruitment due to large numbers of fly-in, fly-out workers‘ could be a challenge that is specific to your community.

For the next section, think about your local area compared to other areas of Queensland. Please rate whether these factors have a local impact that is higher than average, lower than average, or about the same as the rest of the state. If you’re not sure, please make your best guess.
Higher impact locally About the same Lower impact locally

Contact details (optional)
If you’d like to receive a copy of the survey findings – as well as updates on volunteer news, events and initiatives – please provide your contact details below.

Please click ‘submit’ to send your response. After submitting, you will be given an option to answer more questions if you would like to provide more information.
Thank you for your valuable input.