Our dynamic engagement team have been hard at work! Over the past few months, 8 Queensland Regional Councils opened their community to our training team. Hosting over 280 people over multiple dates at all-day training events saw the National Standards well and truly exercised this quarter.  

Some organisations involved included, Crime Stoppers, Anglicare, Wesley, RACQ, Meals on Wheels, Guide Dogs, St Vincent De Paul, PCYC, Lifeline, RSPCA and many more.  

The workshops taught participants best practice volunteer management using the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement as a framework.  In these sessions, organisations reviewed their programs and engagement processes.  

Photos of workshop in Maryborough and testimonials from participants from several workshops.

Workshop delivery centred on the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement gave the attendees the tools to benchmark themselves against the National Standards. Identify priorities and be informed on best practice volunteer management. Focusing on volunteer role design, recruitment practices and recognition. 

We saw volunteer organisation office bearers, volunteer coordinators and managers – including community groups, church groups, youth and children’s groups, event committees, and allied health and social welfare groups. 90.1% of attendees reported that they were confident or very confident about using the training content within their roles.  

The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement contain benchmarks specifically designed to help organisations attract, manage, recognise and retain volunteers, and to manage risk and safety with respect to volunteers. If you coordinate or manage volunteers or have management or governance responsibility in organisations that work with volunteers, the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement will be a useful tool for your organisation.   

  1. Our last session this year will be held online on the 22nd of November Implementing the national standards for volunteer involvement (online) – Volunteering Queensland (volunteeringqld.org.au) 
  1. Should you want to register your interest for next year’s workshops or get help with implementing the National Standards you may email us on: membership@volunteeringqld.org.au  
  1. The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement  are available here for free download. 
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