2023 Annual General Meeting

The Board of Volunteering Queensland Inc. is pleased to give notice that the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on:

Date: 21 November 2023

Time: 2:30pm for 3pm start

Location: University of Queensland City Campus, Room 1M16, 308 Queen Street, Brisbane

You are cordially invited to join us in person or online to reflect on and celebrate the successes and advancements of this past 40th anniversary year of Volunteering Queensland and of volunteering in our great State and nation.

The 2023 AGM will be followed by a cocktail and networking reception.

We are delighted to announce that the AGM will conclude with a presentation by Special Guest Speaker David Crosbie, CEO of the Community Council for Australia (CCA). A relaxing cocktail and network reception will conclude the event.

2023 Cocktail and Networking Reception

We are pleased to be able to offer complimentary attendance to the 2023 AGM and cocktail and networking reception to our valued members and sector guests.

Special Guest Speaker

We are thrilled to welcome David Crosbie, CEO of Community Council for Australia (CCA) as our Special Guest Speaker.

David Crosbie is CEO of the Community Council for Australia, an independent member-based organisation dedicated to building flourishing communities primarily by enhancing the extraordinary work of the not-for-profit sector in Australia.

He is a highly respected, knowledgeable and influential leader of the Australian charities and not-for-profit sector, devoting his time to advocating on issues affecting the contribution, performance and viability of the charities and not-for-profit sector in political, public, business and sector circles.

David has spent more than 20 years as CEO of significant charities including eight years in his current role at CCA, four years as CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia, seven years as CEO of the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia, and seven years as CEO of Odyssey House Victoria.

In addition to the significant work he leads at CCA, David has served on, among others, the inaugural Advisory Board of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC), the Advisory Board of Impact Investing Australia, the Board of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education. He is an authoritative, visionary leader passionate about CCA’s mission to build flourishing communities by enhancing the extraordinary work undertaken by the charities and not-for-profit sector in Australia.

Attending online

For anyone not available to attend the AGM in person, the event will be live streamed via zoom. When you RSVP, please select Online Access. Information on how to access the live stream will be shared closer to the event.

RSVP and registration

Kindly RSVP to attend the AGM by clicking this button. Registration closes 12.00 noon on Friday 17 November 2023. Please advise if you and / or other representatives from your organisation will be attending.

If you are a member of Volunteering Queensland, kindly confirm the name of your nominated voting representative for the AGM.

Eligibility to Vote

All eligible current financial members of Volunteering Queensland Inc. may vote on any business transacted at the AGM.

Each eligible member is entitled to one vote on each resolution.

Voting may be done in person at the AGM or by proxy.


A member is entitled to appoint a person as their proxy to attend the meeting in their place. An appointed proxy has the same rights as the member who appointed them.

An eligible member appointing the proxy may give specific directions as to how the proxy is to vote on their behalf. Otherwise, the proxy may vote on behalf of the eligible member in any manner they see fit.

If you are a member of Volunteering Queensland unable to attend our AGM in person or online, we ask that you please submit a Proxy Form no later than 12.00 noon on Friday 17 November 2023.

Proxy votes are very important to our AGM. We encourage any member unable to attend to kindly take a moment to support Volunteering Queensland by submitting a proxy vote.

AGM Business

2.30pm for 3.00pm

AGM Arrival and Registration

3.00pm – 3.50pm


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Confirmation of Minutes of 2022 AGM
  4. President’s Report
  5. CEO’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Appointment of Auditor
  8. Public Liability Announcement
  9. Board Directors
  10. Bestowing of Life Memberships
  11. Introduction of Guest Speaker
  12. Close of AGM

3.50pm – 4.30pm

Special Guest Speaker – David Crosbie

4.30pm – 6pm

Cocktail and Networking Reception

The Financial Statements, including the Auditor’s Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2023 and the 2023 Annual Report, are available by clicking the button below.

The Board of Volunteering Queensland Inc. is a skills-based Board that plays a critical role in governing and driving the strategic direction and transformation of the organisation.

Volunteering Queensland Inc. is currently awaiting imminent final ASIC documentation to transition to a Company Limited by Guarantee. In line with this transition and the retirement of four current Directors, a statewide recruitment process to identify six new Board Directors is currently being finalised. 

The recruitment process is in line with both the existing Incorporated Association Constitution and the redrafted Company Limited by Guarantee Constitution, which will come into effect on completion of the transition process.  

It is hoped to have the process completed in time to present new Directors to Members for ratifying at the AGM. 

We hope you will join us

All AGM information is available on the Volunteering Queensland Inc. website. If you are unable to access any of the information referred to above, please contact us by phone on 07 3002 7600 or email reception@volunteeringqld.org.au and we will forward them to you.

We look forward to welcoming you to our AGM 2023 and Cocktail Reception on Tuesday 21 November 2023.

To RSVP for either in person or online attendance at our AGM please register using the link HERE or contact us – 07 3002 7600 or reception@volunteeringqld.org.au by 12.00 noon on Friday 17 November 2023.

Should you have any other queries or require additional information about the AGM please contact Volunteering Queensland Inc. CEO Mara Basanovic on 07 3002 7600 or mara.basanovic@volunteeringqld.org.au

Not a member?

You are most welcome to join us at the AGM to learn more about Volunteering Queensland, be inspired by our Special Guest Speaker, and meet fellow volunteer involving organisations at the Cocktail and Networking reception.  Alternatively feel free to contact Susie Musgrove, Volunteering Queensland Membership Engagement Coordinator – 07 3002 7600 or susie.musgrove@volunteeirngqld.org.au.

If you would like to become a member of Volunteering Queensland Inc. or learn more about the benefits of membership, please click on the link here.

We look forward to seeing you at our 2023 AGM.

Thank you,

Jane Hedger


Board of Volunteering Queensland Inc.

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