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Volunteering Queensland is happy to announce the recipients of the ‘Strong and Resilient Communities Activity (SARC)— Small Grants Program‘ for Volunteer-Involving Organisations.

The grant will assist grassroots organisations in strengthening volunteering through capability and capacity building.

Organisations could apply for grants ($10,000 – $20,000) for one-off, time-limited projects that build volunteer management capability, and help the organisation support the social and economic participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people.

The SARC Grants are funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, and administered by the State and Territory volunteering peak bodies.

Congratulations to the 2024-25 Strong and Resilient Communities Activity Grant Recipients.

Total organisations fundedTotal amount funded (exc GST)List of recipients
29$489,950See the list here
The successful recipients demonstrated potential to make a positive impact on community groups within Queensland.

The objectives of the Strong and Resilient Communities Activity grants are
  • to build volunteer management capability within organisations;
  • to uplift volunteer capability, including volunteer knowledge, skills and volunteer numbers; and

If your grassroots volunteer involving organisation supports one or more of the following cohorts, we encourage you to apply:

  • young people 12 to 18 years who are disengaged, or at risk of disengaging, from education to reconnect with their community, school, training and/or employment;
  • people with disabilities and/or mental health issues to participate in the community, and work towards becoming or remaining independent and engaged in the economy and/or society;
  • women who experience, or are at risk of experiencing isolation or discrimination to participate in the community and/or economy and increase their self-agency; and/or
  • people who are unemployed to increase participation in their community and/or increase their capacity to engage in employment, training, or existing employment services.


The small grants are to build capacity of volunteering programs in grassroots organisations that:

  • have an annual income under $500,000 OR are an autonomous branch/sub-group of an organisation with an annual income greater than $500,000;
  • use a large proportion of volunteers (40% or more of the workforce)
  • are a not-for-profit organisation
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or be willing to provide a Statement by Supplier Form (reason for not quoting an ABN);
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution;
  • and support one or more of the above cohorts.


The assessment and selection process will be coordinated by each of the State and Territory volunteering peak bodies.

*Please note, all project activity must be completed within the Grant Activity Period, 29 November 2024 – 30 May 2025 as specified in Section 1.3 of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines

Expressions of period18 September – 4 October 2024
Review of eligibility period 7 – 11 October 2024 
Application period14- 28 October 2024 
Assessment and selection period 28 October 2024 – 22 November 
Notification of grant recipients 25 November 2024 
Activity starts *from 29 November 2024 
Activity ends *30 May 2025 
Reports due to Volunteering Queensland16 June 2025 
Financial acquittal report due to Volunteering Queensland 16 June 2025 
  1. Expressions of interest CLOSED on 4 October.
  2. After reviewing, eligible organisations were contacted and invited to apply through Volunteering Queensland.
  3. Applications were open until 28 October Midday AEST
  4. The assessment and selection period was finalised on 22 November.
  5. All project activity must be completed within the Grant Activity Period (29 November 2024 – 30 May 2025) as specified in Section 1.3 of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines

For enquiries email or call (07) 3002 7600, and choose Option 1

These grants are funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and administered by the volunteering peak bodies.