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About the National Standards

The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement are a best practice framework to guide volunteer involvement.

The Standards can be used by all organisations and groups at any time, regardless of structure, size or location.  They are flexible and recognise that volunteering takes place in highly diverse settings and ways. 

National Standards Refresh

The National Standards were developed in 2015 and refreshed in 2024 to ensure they are contemporary and inclusive of the diversity of volunteering and volunteers.

The refresh was informed by a sector wide consultation process conducted across each state and territory in 2023. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

The refreshed National Standards have retained the core aims and principles underpinning the previous standards and the eight broad focus areas of the National Standards are the same.

What are the National Standards?

The National Standards offer simple practical criteria that can be applied across a broad range of volunteering groups and organisations. There are eight standards addressing the key areas of volunteer involvement:

  1. Volunteering is embedded in leadership, governance and culture
  2. Volunteer participation is championed and modelled
  3. Volunteer roles are meaningful and tailored
  4. Recruitment is equitable and diversity is valued
  5. Volunteers are supported and developed
  6. Volunteer safety and wellbeing is protected
  7. Volunteers are recognised
  8. Policies and practices are continuously improved

Each standard is accompanied by specific criteria and examples of evidence.

View or download the National Standards below.

Using the National Standards

National Standards Resources

There are several tools and resources available to help organisations implement the National Standards.

  • Volunteer Experience Checklists to understand the Standards from the volunteer’s perspective.
  • Gap Analysis Tool for a high-level self assessment of whether your programs currently meet the Standards.
  • Implementation Guide with steps, activities, policy considerations, tips, tools and advice to help when implementing the National Standards.
  • Evidence Guide which identifies the practices, processes, policies and documentation that can be used to demonstrate how you meet the Standards.

Visit the National Knowledge Base to download these free resources

Support from Volunteering Queensland

Volunteering Queensland offers workshops on implementing the refreshed National Standards.  Discover upcoming workshops on our sector training page.  

You can also book a consultation to discuss your organisation’s alignment with the National Standards. During this process we’ll support you to complete a gap analysis and identify priorities for action or further development. Submit the form at the bottom of this page to make an enquiry.

BNG online self-assessment tool

As part of a national partnership with Breaking New Ground (BNG), we are pleased to be able to offer organisations access to an easy-to-use, online self-assessment tool to help you demonstrate your adherence with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement.

The BNG tool enables organisations to measure their performance against the National Standards, offering:

  • Assessment of your organisation’s performance against the Standards.
  • Recommendations on how to achieve compliance with the Standards.
  • Automatically generated action plan for good practice.
  • Workflow management tools.
  • Additional supporting resources

You can apply for complimentary access to the tool. Places are limited and we recommend you complete a high-level gap analysis before applying.

Gap analysis consultation

Volunteering Queensland can work with your organisation to complete a National Standards gap analysis and consultation to support the growth of your volunteer services.  The gap analysis helps you to evaluate where your organisation is currently, determine your priorities for enhancing your volunteer engagement and decide on a path forward.  

“I found the meeting very beneficial, and I am very happy that we have the support from Volunteering Queensland so that we can provide the best opportunity for our Volunteers”.

VQ Member

Book your private gap analysis consultation

Gap analysis consultations last for up to 1.5 hours and are free for Volunteering Queensland members (fees apply for non-members).

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