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The 2024 Queensland Volunteering Awards took place on Wednesday morning 22 May, at Brisbane City Hall. It was so fantastic to see everyone come together to support the nominees and finalists and see the reactions when the recipients of each award were announced.

The Queensland Volunteering Awards acknowledge and honour the astonishing contribution and spirit of service of all Queensland volunteers and volunteer involving organisations. The Awards are presented across six categories: 

  • Queensland Lifetime Contribution to Volunteering Award
  • Queensland Youth Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Queensland Excellence in Volunteer Management Award
  • Queensland Volunteering Impact Award
  • Queensland Corporate Volunteering Award
  • Queensland Volunteer of the Year Award

Thank you to all recipients, finalists, nominees and nominators who took the time to share the great work of our volunteer stars in the community.


Allan Quartermaine

Allan Quartermaine OAM, was born in Ayr, Queensland in September 1923. Interspersed with his operational service in the Royal Australian Navy, during World War II, he pursued a career with the Commonwealth Bank across Queensland.

His leadership talent resulted in his appointment to a number of executive leadership positions within a range of community groups. Dedicating his life to volunteerism and community service, Allan has been a community volunteer for Legacy for over half his life. With over 60 years volunteering for Sunshine Coast Legacy, Allan was responsible for the implementation of foundational projects and procedures, currently in place.

Allan served with distinction on a variety of other community committees including his parish church, sporting and service clubs, and 25 years on the board of Buderim Bowls Club.


Despite his transient life, appointments as President of Mackay Legacy and President of Far Northern District of the Returned Services League of Australia were a testament to his leadership abilities.


Douglas Alexander

Over the past thirty years of volunteering, Douglas has fully committed himself to key leadership roles in various organisations from Business Brokers to Rugby Clubs to School Committees and Drug Rehabilitation Centres. All have received substantial benefits from his experience in business, as well as his sound judgment and negotiating skills.

His approach to leadership is genuine and empathetic, by thoroughly researching the issues and talking with people to arrive at a mutually beneficial and preferred strategy that will achieve desired outcomes for all.

One such example being the implementation of a new modernised Redland Museum Constitution in 2017. During 2021, Doug facilitated a series of focus group sessions with Museum Members in the development of a new ten-year Strategic Plan.


Douglas is respected in the community for his dedication and leadership, resulting in long-term substantive benefits for future generations.

Jennifer Hausler

Jennifer has dedicated over 40 years to volunteering, showcasing exceptional commitment and impact to her community.

From 150 blood donations to coaching sports, supporting veterans and organizing cultural events for stranded seafarers during the pandemic, the diverse roles showcase her contributions in many areas.

Notably, as a Volunteer Manager for international shooting events, Jenni led teams to two World Cup victories, demonstrating exceptional leadership and organizational skills. Jenni’s unwavering dedication has significantly enriched the broader community by supporting diverse causes, individuals, and organisations.


Her leadership in promoting inclusivity, supporting vulnerable populations, and fostering community engagement exemplifies a commitment to advancing the vitality and well-being of the community through volunteerism.


Tobias Kennet

Tobias has been an outstanding volunteer, mentor and leader across the YMCA, Scouts Qld and the Queensland Youth Parliament.

His contribution has been immense for his young age: since 16 he has donated so many weekends in service and always finds time to volunteer while commuting to university and during lunch breaks.

Tobias has developed programs and major events, and mentored teams to deliver them. Through Scouts and QLD Youth Parliament, Tobias has developed and overhauled programs, policies, procedures and strategic partnerships. Tobias’s level of commitment, detail and willingness to lead exceeds what is expected of someone juggling work and study.


As Treasurer of Queensland Powerchair Football Association, he has led the grassroots inclusive club to remain solvent, introduced governance procedures and promoted growth with funding and increased volunteering capacity.


Parris Smith

Parris Smith has been involved with the Rotary Youth program since 2019. She has worked as a leader for the weeklong program, which aims to support 19 – 29 year-olds from various backgrounds in their leadership and mental health journey.

Parris pioneered the way that the team was managed and worked in all of the sub-committees, corresponded with internationally renowned guest speakers, and interacted with the program on an international scale so that it would have a wider reach and inspire change in more youth. She has advocated for change so that Youth Program would have more continuity and cohesiveness for years to come.

Parris goes above and beyond to include those of all abilities, and manages this with a disability herself. She has gone above and beyond, as was recognised in the RYLA Oceania Awards for Team Leader and Best Alumni Engagement. She has created new initiatives in how the team is run, the inclusivity options for the camp, and maintains a fantastic team and positive demeanour.


Above all, she is kind.

Susanna Allegra Serena Nutley

Allegra’s journey as a volunteer began at a young age at Surfers Paradise SurfLifesaving Club. From her first role as Nippers Captain to today, her love of the ocean and science has led her to volunteer in diverse roles combining both fields and has led her to be selected as the youngest sponsored delegate to attend the “Women Deliver” conference in Rwanda.

Allegra has exemplied how to turn passion into action. She is involved in leading research teams on Seaworld, Spirit of the Gold Coast studying humpback whales and is working with Griffith University to to determine if there is a correlation between breaches, tail and pec slaps with depth and water temperature.

Other citizen-science volunteering includes Mangrove studies, turtle monitoring, genome sequencing with Oxford University and even cloud spotting on Mars.


Allegra volunteers as a speaker, fundraiser, water safety educator for people with intellectual disabilities and STEM mentor for students transitioning to high school.


At every opportunity, Allegra advocates to the personal benefits of volunteering for the good of all.


Vicki Meyer

Vicki Meyer manages the volunteer services for Inclusee, a virtual social support services for older Australians.

With 300 volunteers who only engage virtually, Vicki has fostered an exceptional sense of community and created valued opportunities for collaboration, personal development, and connection.

Recognising the changing needs and motivations in volunteerism, Vicki has focused on increased engagement, inclusion and adopting the new National Standards for Volunteer Involvement.

Initiatives included launching a tailored online training portal and “Kindness Crew Community”, developing digital Wellness Packs and Emergency Flyers, and encouraging volunteer staff to pursue professional development with a focus on inclusion, safety and wellbeing.


Leading by example, Vicki completed the 2023 Volunteering Queensland Continuing Professional Development program, inspiring three of her staff to enrol in the 2024 program.


Maree Adams

As the Volunteer Coordinator of The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation and its Charlie’s Angels hospital volunteering program, Maree has redefined excellence in volunteer management.

Operating in a clinical hospital setting, Maree navigates stringent state government requirements seamlessly, ensuring that volunteers meet necessary hospital training and onboarding standards, whilst being matched to volunteer roles which are both fulfilling and considerate of the individual needs and preferences of the volunteer.

Maree dedicates four days a week to managing this program so she can fulfill her own community volunteering commitments, exemplifying her exceptional dedication and leadership in managing volunteers and delivery volunteer programs.


Amongst other things, Maree has enhanced access to volunteering for minority groups including those with disability and first nations volutneers.

Nyree Johnson

Nyree’s leadership within the Capricorn District Scouts and Gracemere Scout Group stands as a testament to the power of structured, consistent, and reliable guidance in volunteer management.

Her contributions transcend the day-to-day expectations of volunteer leadership, introducing a level of operational excellence that significantly elevates the scouting experience for both volunteers and participants.

By instilling a framework that promotes clear communication, efficient volunteer utilisation, and support, Nyree has ensured the sustainability and growth of scouting activities under her leadership.


Nyree’s adherence to the National Standards for Volunteering within the organization is exemplary. She has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to these standards by integrating them into the core of management, and operational practices, thereby ensuring a consistently high level of service quality and ethical conduct.


Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc

Care Kits for Kids’ hard-working volunteers are outstanding. They are amazingly generous with their time, skills and commitment to meeting increasing demand for Care Kits. More than 70 volunteers from diverse backgrounds work every week in its crafting and packing sheds. Some volunteers have taken on leadership roles supervising various activities and training new volunteers.

Care Kits for Kids supplies free kits to thousands of Queensland children in care or crisis each year. These kids are backpacks providing 2 days’ supply of new clothing, toiletries, education supplies, toys, books, and quilts.

In 2023, nearly 3,700 Care Kits reached children as far as Mt Isa and Cooktown. Nearly 10,000 Care Kits have been distributed in total since 2018.


Many children don’t have the comforts most of us take for granted – they don’t own clothes that fit, have no undergarments or toothbrushes, or have lost everything. Care Kits meet this immediate need.


3rd Space

3rd Space extends a helping hand to those grappling with homelessness or on the brink of it, seven days per week. Offering practical responses to meet immediate needs, services include complex one-on-one support and access to medical, legal and other advice.

None of this would be possible without the dedication of over 120 volunteers – a diverse team, including students, retirees, professionals, and those who have walked the path of homelessness themselves.

In 2023, the team poured 11324 hours of collective care and love, to offer respite and support the well-being of hundreds of visitors to the centre. Just last year, 3rd Space provided 44,838 meals, over 1500 changes of clothes, more than 12,000 showers, over 4000 hours of professional support and helped over 100 families and 1150 individuals.


3rd Space is about embracing each individual’s need on their journey toward stability. It understands that homelessness isn’t just about lacking a roof over one’s head; it is a complex web of challenges, from mental health struggles to seemingly minor obstacles such as travel costs. 3rd Space helps pave a compassionate path toward lasting change.

Palliative Care Qld – Ambulance Wish

Ambulance Wish Queensland, a program of Palliative Care Queensland, is the first in Australia to offer patients with life-limiting conditions the chance to fulfil their final wish. To date, 121 final wishes have been fulfilled since the launch of Ambulance Wish from meeting favourite musicians to visiting the zoo or fish and chips by the sea.

The Ambulance Wish Program aims to give Queenslanders with life-limiting conditions access to planning, coordination, specialist transport and the clinical care that they require to fulfill their last wish and create lasting memories. Each wish is a powerful reminder of how simple acts can bring joy and peace to a person, while connecting them with their loved ones.

The program enhances the sense of community by involving volunteers from diverse backgrounds who come together with a shared goal of making a difference in someone’s life. These volunteers collaborate seamlessly to ensure that each patient’s wish is fulfilled with utmost care and dedication. In doing so, they exemplify the power of collective action and demonstrate that when people unite for a common cause, they can create meaningful impact beyond measure.


Auto & General Insurance Company Ltd - Finalist for the Queensland Corporate Volunteering Award

Auto & General

Volunteering is embedded in Auto and General’s company culture and is a part of its employee value proposition.

The “A&G Difference” program supports communities through donations, fundraising, sponsorships, in-kind support and volunteering.

To truly embed the program, in 2024 each division within the business has been set a minimum volunteer hours utilisation rate of 20% which has already been met.

Beyond the numbers, A&G also measures the impact our volunteer program has on its employee experience. At the end of 2023, an employee survey rated A&G’s community program 78% positive.

From just three volunteering opportunities in 2022 to 24 opportunities, employees are now offered a 700% increase in volunteering options.

A&G is incredibly proud of the total of 3,659 volunteer hours contributed to over 20 charities in the last financial year.


Preferred Care

Whilst the staff volunteering program at Preferred Care comprises a smaller team and volunteers efforts on a smaller scale, it is worth noting as inspiration for other smaller organisations thinking of giving back to the community.

Preferred Care’s startup corporate volunteering model involves volunteering at aged care homes and can also be adapted by other small businesses, setting a precedent for industry-wide commitment to community service. This initiative, rooted in a commitment to both staff and community well-being, has the potential to catalyse positive change and serve as a benchmark for socially responsible practices in various settings.


The volunteers from Preferred Care bring a sense of joy and companionship to aged care residents, engaging them in meaningful conversations, activities, and companionship. This social interaction is invaluable for combating loneliness and isolation among our elderly, improving their overall quality of life.


Ian Grace

Ian has tirelessly devoted his time and energy every week, year on year, when the young musicians from Youth Music Venture come together to rehearse.

He founded the charity 14 years ago from nothing, and with the support of the Qld Police, has provided support to over 600 children building self-esteem immeasurably by helping those disadvantaged through family difficulty, disability, peer pressure or illness.

Ian has taught those kids to dream, set goals and see them realised at events such as the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in front of 35,000 people! Not satisfied, in 2023 Ian arranged the launch of a similar program for Veterans. Along the way, he has found time to volunteer as a Committee Member for many years as Vice President at the Southern Gold Coast Chamber of Commerce, as well as Chairman of the Police Community Consultative Committee, getting Senior Police and the public together to build a safer community on the Gold Coast.


As Ian says: “It’s not about music – we are teaching kids life’s values using music as the vehicle”


Brian Procopis

Brian’s commitment to the all-abilities band “House of Soul” transcends mere volunteering; it embodies a profound dedication to fostering inclusivity and artistic expression.

Serving as a beacon of empowerment, Brian cultivates a space where every participant finds their voice, forging meaningful connections and nurturing artistic growth. Amidst his lifelong dedication to community development, Brian’s tireless efforts persist in amplifying marginalized voices well into retirement.

Over the past 12 years, House of Soul has thrived under Brian’s guidance, evolving dynamically as he supports each member in composing and performing songs reflective of their unique experiences, stories, and aspirations.


Brian’s leadership of House of Soul not only enriches the community of Bald Hills and greater Brisbane but serves as a shining example of volunteerism that truly makes a difference.

Dr Sudipto Roy

Living in culturally and linguistically diverse communities over the past three decades, Sudipto has a deep understanding of the issues affecting this group, including language barriers, social isolation, cultural insensitivity, dislocation trauma, and marginalisation.

To dispel these barriers, Sudipto has been volunteering more than 40 hours every week over the past 17 years in multiple community-based roles including maintaining accounts, preparing and acquitting grants, raising funds, designing, managing and building community facilities, cooking and coordinating multicultural events, alongside facilitating free mental-stillness programs as a Program-Coordinator at Life Eternal Trust Australia.

These mental-stillness programs have been helping participants reduce anxiety, manage stress, and achieve inner peace, and balance, thereby improving their quality of life.


Supporting diversity, equality, respect, inclusion, and belonging, the programs have been delivering positive impact by improving mental health and wellbeing of people from his community and the wider community.

The Queensland Volunteer awards are a time to celebrate the volunteering sector and all those who dedicate their time, energy and resources to improving peoples lives and protecting our environment.

As an organisation, we are very proud of the ongoing dedication of volunteers and volunteer managers. It is an honour to witness so many individuals come together to work towards the betterment of our communities.

We would like to share with you Snippets from the Queensland Volunteering Awards from years gone by and look forward to celebrating with you in 2024 and beyond!

View all the details of past award ceremonies from 20232022202120202019201820172016


For assistance with nominations, please contact us on 07 3002 7600 or