VQ supports over 300 member organisations | Get involved in volunteering!

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October is Queensland Seniors Month, a time to recognise and celebrate the vital role older Queenslanders play in our communities. This year, Volunteering Queensland is especially proud to launch the State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 – Older People Report 65+, which highlights the invaluable contributions of seniors to the volunteer workforce and the many ways volunteering continues to enrich their lives.

The report presents a detailed snapshot of the volunteer landscape for older Queenslanders. It showcases not only the benefits of volunteering for older people but also the unique skills, wisdom, and experience they bring to the volunteer sector. 

From this report, we can see that the role of older people is changing. There has been an increase in people staying in work and having to return to work, or assuming the role of a carer either, of their grandchildren or a partner at home. This changes the type of volunteering they want to undertake or have the time to participate in. With more people aged 65+ choosing to stay active and engaged in their communities, we see a growing need for volunteer roles that cater to their expertise and interests. 

We encourage older Queenslanders to explore the diverse range of opportunities available through our website. You can find roles that match your interests, whether you’re looking for something flexible, low-impact, or aligned with your passions.

We are looking forward to seeing the photos and stories as you celebrate your older volunteers across the month. Please tag us in your socials (@volunteeringqld) or send your stories and photos to media@volunteeringqld.org.au

Jane Hedger
Volunteering Queensland CEO

State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 – Older People Report 65+

Volunteering Queensland is proud to deliver the State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 – Older People Report 65+, generously funded by the Queensland Government.

This comprehensive report leverages State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 data, provides insights from focus groups with Older Queenslanders and volunteer managers and a summary of a global literature review into older people and volunteering.

Celebrating Seniors Through Volunteering

As our population ages, it is increasingly important to provide support systems that allow older people to live fulfilling lives.

Volunteering plays a crucial role in these efforts. Many volunteer positions are suitable for seniors wishing to use their life skills and expertise (see skill-based volunteering) and are available for those who wish to assist older Queenslanders directly.

Get Ready Queensland Week

8 – 13 October 2024

Get Ready Queensland Week is your reminder to be prepared for natural disasters and emergencies. With storm and bushfire seasons just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to review your emergency plans and ensure your household is ready for any situation. Taking action now can help protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community when disaster strikes.

If you’re keen to assist during emergencies, why not sign up as an emergency volunteer? Already registered? Now is a great time to update your details so you’re ready to lend a hand when needed.

By registering your interest in volunteering, you will be joining thousands of Queenslanders on standby to assist in times of disaster should help be needed.

The noble vision of Reading Radio

Member feature written by Meg Baresic

Spearheaded in 1979 by member of Blind Welfare Organisation Spero Dragona, Reading Radio is a community radio station nestled in the heart of Brisbane. Reading Radio initially began as a service to the blind or those with low vision, and despite its humble and grass-roots origin, the station now boasts a listenership of approximately 65,000 people.

The station relies on over 100 dedicated and incredible volunteers to provide a breakfast, morning, and drive-home show to its diverse and grateful listeners. A variety of hosts …

Volunteering Queensland is proud to support organisations like Reading Radio, and their volunteer involving activities. If you have a story to share, please contact membership@volunteeringqld.org.au to be featured.

Volunteer Management Essentials:
Management Skills

Thursday 10 October
1pm – 2pm

Volunteer Leadership
Network Meeting

Wednesday 16 October
10am – 11:30am

Implementing the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement

Wednesday 23 October
10am – 12pm

Volunteer Management Essentials:
Designing Roles

Tuesday 29 October
10am – 11am

Volunteering Queensland AGM PLUS
workshop for volunteer managers

7 November, Workshop: 1-3 pm
AGM: 3:30 – 4:30

Queensland Volunteering Conference
Registrations opening soon!

20 & 21 March 2025
More details coming soon…

Launch of the Queensland Volunteering Strategy and Action Plan

Volunteering provides a great number of benefits by building individual and community wellbeing and strengthening the social, cultural and economic fabric of Queensland communities.

The Queensland Volunteering Strategy 2024-2032 acknowledges the important role that volunteers play in Queensland and celebrates the significant value that volunteering delivers.

The strategy guides Queensland Government policies, programs and services to better meet the needs of volunteers and the volunteering sector. It was shaped by engagement with the sector and sets an ambitious but actionable roadmap in response to the significant challenges and opportunities they told us about.

Be prepared for disaster season

Being prepared before a disaster hits could be the difference between staying safe or putting yourself and those you love in danger.

What do you do in the good times to ensure you’re ready to help each other when it matters?

Prepare yourself and find out more here.

VQ supports over 300 member organisations | Join our community

news@volunteeringqld.org.au | volunteeringqld.org.au

Ph. 07 3002 7600 | Level 12, 127 Creek St, Brisbane, 4000

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