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Volunteering Queensland is delivering the Volunteer Management Activity (VMA) on behalf of the Australian Government’s Department of Social Services (DSS). The objective of the VMA is to increase opportunities for people to participate in the social and economic life of their community through volunteering.

The focus of the VMA is: 

  • The delivery of online services in volunteer management to build the capacity of volunteer-involving organisations and volunteer managers
  • The breaking down of barriers to volunteering faced by identified cohorts:
    • First Nations Peoples
    • Newly Arrived Migrants
    • People with Disability
    • Vulnerable Women
    • Young People aged 12-18; and
    • People who are unemployed.
  • An increase in service coverage across regional, rural, and remote areas


To deliver program outcomes, Volunteering Queensland is partnering with organisations on projects that will provide advice, support and resources to enable volunteering among members of identified groups.  The projects and partnerships aim to build the capacity of volunteer managers and volunteer-involving organisations to better engage these volunteers in a meaningful and respectful manner.    

Project proposals are being sought from the sector annually. Volunteering Queensland will review the efficacy and outcomes of Projects and Partnerships before calling for the next round of proposals, and any necessary adjustments to the program will be made. 

If you are interested in partnering with Volunteering Queensland to break down the barriers to volunteering for the identified groups, please contact   

The volunteering peak bodies

This report highlights the impacts, partnerships and successes of the Volunteer Management Activity (VMA) program around Australia

See full report here



Barriers to Volunteering

In 2023, all volunteering peak bodies commissioned a report to identify barriers to volunteering and how to improve access and inclusion for First Nations peoples, people with disability, and newly arrived migrants. This snapshot series highlights the key findings, offering volunteer-involving organisations practical insights to engage volunteers from these groups better.

Projects 2022-2023

Volunteering North Queensland Inc. | Townsville


Develop the capacity of volunteer involving organisations in the Townsville region to attract, recruit, retain and manage volunteers from identified priority groups (First Nations, People with Disability and Newly Arrived Migrants).


Completed 30 Sep 2023- See summary report here

3rd Space | Fortitude Valley


Strengthen cultural safety and build capacity within the organisation to become an attractive organisation to recruit and retain First Nations volunteers. Completion expected December 2023.


Completed 31 Dec 2023- See summary report here

Not for Profit House | Gladstone


Reduce barriers that mitigate the opportunity for community members from specific priority groups to volunteer in their community (First Nations, People with Disability, Newly Arrived Migrants).


Completed 31 Dec 2023- See summary report here

Port Douglas Community Services Network Inc. | Douglas Shire


Develop the capacity of volunteer involving organisations in Douglas Shire to attract, recruit, retain and manage volunteers from the identified priority groups (First Nations, People with Disability, Newly Arrived Migrants, and Young People aged 12-18).


Completed 31 Dec 2023- See summary report here

Inala Elders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corp. | Inala

A pilot project to deliver wide-ranging and open-ended projects to explore possibilities and existing community strengths involving giving of time, skills and consideration of First Nations volunteering models.


Completed 31 Dec 2023- See summary report here


See the video “We just call it helping” Volunteering on the view of First Nations People

Projects 2023-2024

National Student Volunteer Week 2023 

The pilot student advocate program was initiated to amplify the reach of Volunteering Queensland in promoting and educating students around the country. 61 applications were received, and 39 student advocates were appointed representing 11 universities, 14 High Schools and 1 college.  


Completed August 2023- See summary report here

On 19 October 2023, Volunteering Queensland hosted a Showcase and Networking event with the aim to promote and share the experiences of the projects funded with the VMA program


Completed 19 Oct 2023 – See summary report here

Creative Broadcasters Limited-4ZZZ

Increase the representation of people with disabilities on the radio, making it easier for them to volunteer at the station and offering specialised broadcast training and support to them to achieve their goals.


Completed 30 Jun 2024 – See summary report here

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre | Fraser Coast

Develop and deliver a series of resources to address inclusive recruitment and socialisation for the Fraser Coast communities and volunteer organisations, especially in priority areas such as CALD.


Completed 30 Jun 2024 – See summary report here

See Cultural Diversity Training here

See Volunteer Stories here

Projects 2024-2025

Non for Profit House | Gladstone

This project aims to eliminate barriers to volunteering by addressing both ends of the process. On one side, it involves working closely with individuals on a case-by-case basis to identify their interests and match them with organizations ready to welcome them as volunteers. On the other side, it involves collaborating with volunteer-involving organizations (VIOs) to prepare them to embrace volunteers by addressing the barriers identified in the first stage of the project.


Completed 30th June 2024- See summary report here

Port Douglas Community Services Network Inc. | Douglas Shire

The project will continue to build the capacity of volunteer involving organisations (VIOs) to attract, recruit, retain and manage volunteers from the identified priority groups, focusing on vulnerable women (the priority cohort).


Completed 31 January 2025 – See summary report here.

Inala Elders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corp. | Inala

This stage of the project will implementing a community-wide volunteer drive. This involves understanding and addressing barriers to volunteering, conducting training and capacity building opportunities for community members and organisations and the development of resources to support partner volunteer involving organisations growing their volunteer engagement capacity.


Completion expected May 2025- Grant $150,818.00

National Student Volunteer Week 2024 

The student advocate program was initiated to amplify the reach of Volunteering Queensland in promoting and educating students around the country. 51 applications were received, and 38 student advocates were appointed representing 18 universities, 9 High Schools and 1 college.  


Completed August 2024 – See the summary report here.

Central Queensland Multicultural Association (QCMA)

The project aims to establish and develop the CQMA CALD Women’s Advisory Group, a diverse and empowered group of volunteers from at least eight CALD communities. This group will serve as a unified voice for CALD women, providing insights into the needs of their communities, offering solutions, reviewing funding opportunities, and making recommendations to the CQMA Management Committee. The initiative will build volunteer capacity, promote inclusivity, and empower volunteers to actively participate in decision-making processes, addressing social isolation and fostering leadership.


Completion expected June 2025 – $11,000

FNQ Volunteers Inc.

This project aims to enhance volunteer management and engagement by equipping organisations with the knowledge and skills to implement best practices aligned with the National Volunteering Strategy and Standards. FNQ Volunteering Inc will deliver training to support volunteer managers in working with diverse groups, including young people at risk of disengagement, people with disabilities or mental health conditions, women experiencing isolation or discrimination, unemployed individuals, newly arrived migrants, and First Nations Peoples. The training will help organisations build resilience, strengthen management capacity through strategic planning and policy development, and improve governance by aligning with national volunteering standards. Through this initiative, volunteers will be better supported, and organisations will be empowered to foster inclusive and sustainable volunteer opportunities.


Completion expected June 2025 – $25,000

Farm Angels Ltd

The project aims to upskill unemployed youth, people with disabilities, and women in Chinchilla through training in retail, customer service, and data entry, enhancing their employability and reducing local unemployment. By providing structured induction, certifications, and workplace support, the project strengthens volunteer programs, improves retention, and fosters inclusivity. The Charity Shop serves as a platform for skill development and community engagement, empowering volunteers with confidence and leadership opportunities. This initiative not only supports individual growth but also creates a scalable model for sustainable volunteer involvement in rural communities.


Completion expected July 2025 – $20,000


This project aims to support incarcerated women by equipping them with the skills, resources, and opportunities needed to engage in volunteering both during and after incarceration, facilitating their reintegration into society. By providing access to training and support, the initiative empowers women to transition successfully while also strengthening Volunteer-Involving Organisations (VIOs) to create inclusive and supportive environments. Through volunteering opportunities within correctional facilities and the community, the project helps break down barriers, promote social inclusion, and build pathways for long-term reintegration.


Completion expected October 2025 – $65,000

St George Tourism & Museum Association Inc.

This project aims to reopen the St George Tourism & Museum Centre by engaging volunteers in collection management, archival scanning, and cultural awareness initiatives. Volunteers will receive training in preservation, display, and first aid, fostering a collaborative and skilled team. The project will also align policies with National Volunteer Standards to ensure a sustainable volunteer program, preserving local history and strengthening community connections.


Completion expected June 2025 – $13,500

Wild Horse FM Inc

This project aims to enhance Wild Horse FM’s volunteer program by focusing on the needs of older women in the Yarraman community. A consultant will collaborate with the station to create a tailored recruitment and engagement strategy that aligns with the skills, aspirations, and desire for inclusion within this group. The project will also review existing volunteer management processes, onboarding, and policies to improve efficiency, support retention, and ensure long-term sustainability. By creating a welcoming and supportive environment, Wild Horse FM seeks to empower volunteers, strengthen community ties, and ensure the station continues to meet regional needs.


Completion expected June 2025 – $13,120

The Genus Inc

The project aims to enhance the skills, knowledge, and well-being of volunteers through a series of mentoring, training, and creative workshops. The program emphasises personal growth, teamwork, customer service excellence, Indigenous cultural awareness and creative expression. Volunteers will have the opportunity to improve practical skills, connect with the community, and increase their capacity to contribute meaningfully to ART POST. In addition to the volunteer-focused activities, a comprehensive review of ART POST’s processes and documents will ensure that organisational practices are up to date, streamlined, and aligned with ART POST’s goals. This review will focus on key documents such as exhibition guidelines, policies, role descriptions, and operational procedures, which will be revised and improved for greater efficiency.


Completion expected June 2025 – $14, 550

Not for Profit House Ltd

This project seeks to boost volunteer engagement in the Gladstone region, focusing on underrepresented groups like migrants, young people, vulnerable women, First Nations people, and individuals with disabilities. A community-led advisory group will be formed to steer the project and address volunteer recruitment and retention challenges highlighted in the 2024 State of Volunteering Report. The project will connect volunteers to suitable opportunities and support Volunteer-Involving Organisations (VIOs) in fostering inclusive, positive volunteer experiences. Additionally, it will assist VIOs in meeting National Standards for Volunteering, ensuring sustainable volunteer participation and strengthening community involvement.


Completion expected June 2025 – $71,140


Volunteering Queensland also partners with a number of organisations in the design and delivery of best-practice volunteer management tools, training, resources and support.  Partnerships include:

Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN)

This project aims to eliminate barriers to volunteering by addressing both ends of the process. On one side, it involves working closely with individuals on a case-by-case basis to identify their interests and match them with organizations ready to welcome them as volunteers. On the other side, it involves collaborating with volunteer-involving organizations (VIOs) to prepare them to embrace volunteers by addressing the barriers identified in the first stage of the project.


Completed May 2022- See summary report here

Multicultural Australia

Delivery of a roundtable with people with lived experience, service providers and peak bodies to understand barriers to and opportunities for volunteering for newly arrived migrants.


Completed Jul 2022- See summary report here

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Delivery of a roundtable with people with lived experience, service providers and peak bodies to understand barriers to and opportunities for volunteering for First Nations People.


Completed Mar 2023- See summary report here

Cox & Collaborators

Design and delivery of an online tool to provide starting-level information about questions regarding roles on small volunteer, not-for-profit organisations boards and committees.


Completed Feb 2023- Cost: $ 96,800.00

Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN)

Design and delivery of a resource guide for volunteer involving organisations to recruit and retain people with disabilities as volunteers in their organisation. Find the resource here.


Completed Oct 2023- Cost: $32,910.00

Empower Autism

Design and delivery on a resource guide for volunteer involving organisations to recruit and retain people with autism as volunteers in their organisation. Find the resources here.


Completed Oct 2023- Cost: $81,223.42


Provide online training for VIOs* that want to learn how to build inclusion into their volunteering programs and organisation with SBS Inclusion online training. Find the resource here


Ongoing Partnership

Cost Year 1 $3,328 – Cost Year 2 $2800 (Until Oct 2024)


*We are funded to provide free access to these modules for people who are working/volunteering in not-for-profit organisations in Queensland that engage volunteers in their work.

Your Mob

For VIOs* that want to better understand Indigenous culture and engage more appropriately with Indigenous Australians, allowing a level of cultural safety and awareness in their workplaces and volunteering environments. Find the resource here


Ongoing partnership- Cost $999 annually (Until Nov 2024)


*We are funded to provide free access to these modules for people who are working/volunteering in not-for-profit organisations in Queensland that engage volunteers in their work *


Knowledge base

Find the answers to your volunteer management questions on our new, centralised knowledge platform.  Browse topical articles, e-learning guides, videos, templates, resources and discussion forums.

This program is funded by the Department of Social Services through the Volunteering Management Activity.